Updates and Announcements

10/10/12 - Created Facebook Username: You can now find Adventure's of a Proud Liberal Slut's facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/LiberalSlut

9/20/12 - Added Liberal Slut Links: If you're looking for other pages to check out to help you out on your adventures, then check out my new link page for liberal sluts :) If you have a suggestion for a link you think I should check out e-mail me.

9/20/12 - Added Community Page: Adventures of a Proud Liberal Slut now has it's own community page to have discussions, interact with other users, and share your stories. The community Page is powered by Blog Frog.

9/19/12 - Updates: I'm considering adding a LiberalSlut of the week in order to show case other Liberal Sluts and their blogs. I'm also considering starting a LiberalSlut photos page where other Liberal Sluts can share their photos on this blog. E-Mail me for more information.

9/19/12 - Joined Pinterest: You can now find me on Pinterest as well here: http://pinterest.com/liberalslut/

9/6/12 - Joined Bloglovin: You can find me on yet another blogging database!

9/6/12 -  Joined Blog Flux: Please follow me on Blog Flux!

9/5/12 -  Ordered supplies for my blogs new logo: Since the current logo is just a generic internet photo I ordered the supplies I need to make a new one original to this blog! The supplies should be here soon, and when they get here the project will begin!

9/5/12 - Joined Networked Blogs: This blog was added to yet another database. yay!

9/5/12 - Joined the World Bloggers Community: If you can find me on World Bloggers please feel free to follow me!

9/5/12 - I'm going to start working on my "Snapshots of the Past" series soon: I've decided I have many a crazy adventure I have yet to share on my blog and so I'm going to start bringing those to you one by one. I hope to start working on telling those stories soon!

9/4/12 - My blog page on Goole + is now up and running: You can now find Adventures of a Proud Liberal Slut's official Blog page on Goole +. More updates to come....

9/4/12 - Joined the Blog Catalog: Networking is an important part of keeping this blog running and now you can find me on another network! Sweet!

9/4/12 - We are now officially a registered business on Manta: This way if there is a particular advertiser or marketing group looking for ad space they can find me. This way I'll have more control over the ads on my blog :)

9/4/12 - Registered on Technorati: Adventures of a Proud Liberal Slut now has it's own profile on the blog sharing site Technorati. Go check it out!

9/4/12 - Joined Google Ad Sense: I figure if I'm going to put so much time and effort into creating, maintaining, and promoting this blog then I should at least try to see if I can get some money from it. I know that the ads may be annoying, but I promise to try and limit them.

9/3/12 -  You can now find me on E-Zine Articles: In order to promote my blog I have joined E-Zine articles. I recently wrote a new article about the inequalities between men and women and I'm hoping it will be published. If it is I will post in on my blog!

8/31/12 -  Created the Official Facebook Page: My blog now has it's own Official Facebook Page, which can be found here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Adventures-of-a-Proud-Liberal-Slut/182395421895014 I will update it as often as I can to keep everyone up to date, and I will be posting inspirational and/or funny photos on there as well :)

8/31/12 - My Authors profile is now on Facebook: Today I put my authors profile on facebook in order to help spread the word about my blog. You can feel free to friend me if you want here: http://www.facebook.com/betsy.gaull

8/30/12 -  Bloggers.com Account now up and running: I joined Bloggers.com today to help connect with other bloggers, and to help bring new traffic to my blog. I hope to share my adventures with as many people as possible :)

8/30/12 - I now have a youtube account: Got myself set up with a youtube account today. I don't know if I'll use it since videos aren't really my things, but if you want to know what I'm watching I guess you can check it out there!

8/28/12 - Follow my Authors profile on Google +: You can now follow me, Betsy Gaul, as an author on Google + for updates on my blog. I hope to get the Google + Pages page up and running soon.

8/28/12 - You can now follow me on Twitter: I've created the Twitter account @LiberalSlut to be able to tweet about updates to my life, and to my blog up to the minute. It should be fun :)

8/28/12 - Created this blog Adventures of a Proud Liberal Slut: Lately I've been having some seriously crazy adventures, and I decided I wanted to share them in a blog. It was just a matter of deciding where to create my blog, what to call it, and how to share my adventures without hurting anyone I care about. I decided to call my blog Adventures of a Proud Liberal Slut, because I figured that it describes me fairly well. According to a lot of conservatives I'm a "slut" because I enjoy having sex. I'm liberal, and I couldn't be more proud of my sexuality or of who I am. I figure according to their ideas I'm a Proud Liberal Slut!


  1. Great work! You are fast growing in your SEO campaign and popularity. I wish you the best. Keep the good work.

  2. Nice Blog
    I was looking for other places to promote my blogs!

  3. Wow! You go girl! I got some tips from this. Thanks.

  4. If you guys some traffic... I would like to suggest add your blog posts at myshouter.com
