Friday, September 14, 2012

I have penis envy.

If you have a penis you can't get pregnant. If you have a penis you know for sure when you have orgasmed. If you have a penis you orgasm a lot more easily than the average woman. If you have a penis you are more likely to be paid more. If you have a penis you don't have to try as hard to succeed. If you have a penis you don't have to worry as much about violent attacks. If you have a penis you don't bleed once a month. If you have a penis you don't get debilitating cramps once a month. If you have a penis you don't have to deal with female hormones and the mood swings that accompany them. If you have a penis count yourself lucky!


  1. If you have a penis you don't have to deal with female hormones and the mood swings that accompany them...
    Tell that to any guy with a girlfriend, wife, mother, sister, or close female friends.


    1. My point is that you don't have to live those mood swings yourself lol

  2. I can testify to the fact that being kicked in the vagina or in the breasts is also very painful lol

  3. hahahaha this made me laugh so much! :D

  4. lolz... this is crazyyy
